Frequently Asked Questions
Last update : October 2016
Supposing that your heart rate does not go up over 100, you don’t have to worry.
Based on your photo, you have a brown skin color type, which is more likely to get a visible scar. You also have a big areolar. I would recommend you do a breast implant with an areolar incision, as your scar would be blended up with the color of your areolar and would become less visible.

Answer: Your breast shape still can be changed up to 1-2 year after surgery!
You may massage your breast and wear a support bra in order to enlarge your cleavage and make your breast further apart. This has to be done within 12 months after surgery as the shape of the breast is still not steady.
However, 2 years after surgery if you find that your breast shape does not meet your requirement still, you may consult a board certified plastic surgeon for a revised procedure.
I would recommend you go to a board-certified plastic surgeon. An experience surgeon can give a good advice which pocket placement best suits you.
If the problem is only the appearance of the breast, breast augmentation is your right choice. However, the size of the both implants may vary in order to get both sides of your breast the most similar in size. Alternatively, fat transferring to breasts may be another combined option for the better shape.
Answer: Based on your information, you can undergo tummy tuck surgery. Fibroid removal and Tummy Tuck is totally different procedure. However, both procedures can be safetly done at the same time – a Gyn surgeon will perform fibroids removal, whereas a plastic surgeon will perform a tummy tuck.
Answer: After Liposuction, your incision would be swollen and your skin around incision area might not be smoothed yet. This will be better by wearing a compression garment around 6-12 months. However, you might consider getting a revised Liposuction procedure again after 1 year if your problem still exists.
Answers: I would recommend you take Vitamin B1-6-12 three times a day after meal for 3 month. This is to help stimulate your nervous system.
From your photo, the surgeon see your two sided-face is not much different. However, this difference will be subsided by using a bandage to tie around your face. This would help supporting your face. You may do this when you are at home. Pls keep using the bandage up to 3-6 months, you swellings will be subsided and you face will get firmer.
Answer: Thanks for you questions. Based on your info, as a plastic surgeon, I would say that you are a good candidate for the breast reduction/lift. This kind of operation takes about 3 hours and with 1-2 night hospital stay.
Answer: Thanks for your questions. Based on your photos, I would recommend you do breast lift+breast implant. I would say 300CC highly cohesive silicone breast implant is proper for you as it is not too big and will give you natural look. For more details, you have to get a persoanl consulation with a highly qualified plastic surgeon.
Answer: It is not a common procedure to do fat transfer altogether with a tummy tuck. However, fat transfering to hip could be done if there is a plenty of excess fat left in the abdomen area after tummy tuck surgery.
Answer: Based on your info, it is possible for you to get a shorter and more curved nose. Your nose tip will be turned up for a shorter nose shape and your nose will be fixed to get a more curved-shape. Your requirement and expectation can be absolutely achieved. You may check with a highly qualified plastic surgeon in your area for a personal consultation to discuss more details about surgery and your expectation.
Answer: It’s not neccessary to remove breast tissue . Whether to remove depends on the shape of your breast. The operating surgeon will be the person who determines whether to remove it and the pathologist will perform biospy. I would recommend you go to see your operating surgeon to double check for breast tissue or you may go to another plastic surgeon for a second opinion.
Answer: Based on your info and your photo, you do not have to redo the surgery. Your operating surgeon used a dissolvable stitch which will be dissolved within 30 days. The suture can split a little bit after surgery. Do not worry. Be patient and wait for 3-6 months for the result. Do not forget to clean the suture with normal saline and subsequently dry to the incision. Avoid having sex upto 3 months.
Answer: Breast augmentation is a procedure where some materials was placed into the breast area for the enlargement purpose. Material used are implant or fat. This procedure is proper for patients who don’t have much breast tissue and whose breasts are not much sagging.
Breast Lift is a procedure aimed at tightening breasts and modified them into a good shape. This procedure is proper for those who have moderate or a lot of breast tissues with much sagging condition.