What is Sex Change?

Many transgender today wanted to have sex change to truly feel free and confident. But before proceeding to the actual surgery, you should know what the real meaning of sex change is. What is sex change?

There are a lot of names that is associated with sex change, these includes sex reassignment surgery, SRS, gender reassignment surgery (GRS), genital reconstruction surgery, sex affirmation surgery and sex realignment surgery. Sex change is a surgical procedure that altered or changes the resemblance of a person to other sex or gender. It happens when a person’s physical appearance and function of their existing sexual characteristics are altered. Sex change is part of a treatment for gender disorder for transgender and transsexual. It is also done to people who suffer intersex which is often performed during infancy. There are other terms for SRS and these include sex reconstruction surgery, and gender confirmation surgery. The medical terms used for trans women are feminizing genitoplasty or penectomy, vaginoplasty, and orchiectomy while masculinizing genitoplasty or phalloplasty are used for trans men. People who undergo sex reassignment surgery are usually referred to as transsexual while if a person pursue SRS often identify as transgender.

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