Revision Rhinoplasty


Patients opting for revision of their nose augmentation procedure must know what are the realistic expectations they should have regarding on the possible results and what are the reasons behind. They must be reminded that this procedure is not that easy for the reason that a previously touched organ is already more susceptible to easy damage.

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Revision rhinoplasty:  is a surgical procedure on the nose which previously had undergone the rhinoplasty procedure, in other words it is the redo rhinoplasty procedure.

Revision rhinoplasty could not be easier as the first time rhinoplasty because the nose underlying structures were already been altered from the previous rhinoplasty procedure. For this reason , this type of procedure could be one of the most challenging for a cosmetic surgeon.

The repair should be properly done to achieve the better look of the nose. The previously touched tissues should again be repositioned, the underlying framework be carefully repaired. With the mutilated tissues of the nose, the work could be not easy.

The nasal form and underlying arrangements must be sturdy to endure the severe surgical events coming from the previous operation and to this new one. From the slow wound healing process here comes another procedure that would disrupt again the nasal integrity. Breathing problems and aesthetic outlook are the leading reasons why a patient will opt for a revision.

One must be realistic in his or her expectations on the possible surgical results. Surgeons are just doing their best, however, let us all remember that a revision for the nose augmentation (rhinoplasty) is quite different from the first surgery.


We will discuss the various reasons on why patients will do the revision rhinoplasty.

Common complaints

Patients will do complain because they may think or it is really evident that the resulting nasal form is too large, still flat looking, too fat to look at, too sharp like a witch nose, too short, or too crooked. They may also complain about the asymmetrical look, presence of little bumps, and sometimes the presence of scars. And another reason is that the nose just look obviously operated.

However, there are also reasons that are only based on the patients’ psychological effect of the surgery. They feel different with the new look they have. They are not yet ready and are possibly in shock with the new appearance they have.


Every cosmetic surgeon’s goal for the revision rhinoplasty is to make the nose more beautiful than the present one, but trying to avoid of having the result of an obviously operated nose appearance. The cosmetic surgeon makes an effort to give the patient a nose he or she really wants despite the high risks and a great percentage of possible complications. For the work of repairing an already operated nose is not equal to the first time procedure.


A patient who has undergone a subjectively or objectively non-satisfying result of previous rhinoplasty is a perfect candidate for revision after a year of the first surgery. A previously operated nose must be completely healed first before it could be valid for another operation to minimize risks and complications.


Hazards and complications

  • Possible Surgical failure- it means to operate again the nose.
  • Infection- an opening of the skin integrity will pose a threat to infection.
  • Extreme bleeding – failure to stitch properly the incision sites
  • Breathing problems- very few cases, but this is just minimal and will slowly go away.
  • The risks and complications will significantly be diminished if you will follow the physician’s advice both before and after the operation.

Before deciding to have the surgery, one must talk to a certified plastic surgeon for more information.

With the state of the art surgical technique coupled with the surgeons skills this procedure could be done a lot safer than before. However, revision rhinoplasty has always carried with it the reputation of having more risks than the first procedure. The cosmetic surgeon will again redo the already touched nasal structures. The patient must always bear in mind the realistic view of the results.


  • Take a lot of rest.
  • Sleep with head elevated.
  • Avoid wearing eyeglasses for 2 months ( to preserve the nasal bridge firmness while it is still healing).
  • Apply cold compress.
  • Avoid strenuous activities for at least a week.
  • Face must be dry for at least 7 days.
  • Eat a lot of fruits and vegies like Pineapple ( contains healing agents)
  • Do not skip any antibiotic dose.
  • Clean your nose with a cue tip using Normal Saline Solution.

The swelling and bruises commonly in most patients will start to go off after 2 weeks of surgery and almost all of these will be gone 1-2 months after surgery. The rest will completely be gone 6-12 months after.

Full and perfect healing would greatly depend on the individual patient’s condition and activities and on how they follow the surgeon’s post-op instructions.

Cosmetic surgery recovery is completely anchored on the cooperation of the patient with the cosmetic care giver.


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