Facelift Recovery
After the surgery facelift recovery is more tedious than any other cosmetic surgery. It doesn’t matter on what technique or type of facelift surgery that you receive, you need to have rest and relaxation, they are the mandatory steps for a successful facelift fast recovery.
Stitches will be wrapped with dressing immediately after the facelift surgery. The dressings will be removed and replaced within a day. Drainage tubes are attached and will be removed within days following your surgery. Any feelings of pain and discomfort can be alleviated by over the counter medicines and other prescription drugs that come from your doctor. Soreness and swelling will be present for several weeks or more. Patients must not engage in strenuous activities but if patients usually engage in daily activities two weeks after the surgery, some swelling and bruising may remain. Smokers will need to abstain from smoking for months after the surgery because it reduces blood flow in the face and can hinder recovery and increases the risks and the great possibility of tissue necrosis. Swelling may not subside for several months after the surgery, so you must plan special events after how many months to give a full recovery and in order to achieve the optimal results.