How to prepare yourself for Transsexual surgery

How to prepare yourself for Transsexual surgery

How to prepare yourself for Transsexual surgery

Author: Dr. Tanongsak Panyawirunroj

Tanongsak Panyawirunroj

Sex reversal is a process of treating patients with gender-related physical and mental disorders, namely gender identity disorder. Such patient has a body structure as a male, but his mind and sexual perception are female. Sex reassignment surgery is the last step of sexual disorder treatment. Prior to the surgery, it is mandatory that all patients pass at least two psychological tests and get a thorough understanding of their own needs. Here are necessary steps for SRS patients prior to undergo transgender surgery:

  1.  Consult with your parents, any patients who are under the age of 18 have to reach an agreement with their parents about their own mental and physical needs for sexual reassignment surgery.
  2.  Evaluate your own feelings for this need and consult a psychiatrist to find out the true needs by evaluating your mental state. You may encounter questions such as “How long did you express yourself as the opposite sex?” “Who was your mental counselor?” “What is your sexual orientation?” “How do you feel about your sexual organs?” “Do you have any health conditions?” “How do you plan to live the rest of your life?”
  3.  Get yourself ready before for the transformation. Try to express yourself and live in the way that your mind requires before transgender surgery to confirm your true needs. Generally, it is recommended that the patient expresses themselves the way their mental needs and receives a proper hormone therapy for a physical change about 1 or 2 years prior to the surgery. This is to ensure that the patient would be able to adjust himself to the community after the intervention. Then, the last step of physical change is Transsexual surgery that allows the patient to transform his/her body to be aligned with his/her mental condition.

Transgender surgery includes male-to-female transplant and female-to-male transplant. Of all transgender surgical techniques, Colon-Vaginoplasty is the most complicated of its kind and requires a high level of expertise of the operating surgeons in order to deliver satisfied results. All scrub nurses and relevant medical professionals have to be well trained. It is required that anesthesia induction is performed by an anesthesiologist who will monitor the patient’s vital sign during the operation. Physical examination such as blood test, chest x-ray etc is a mandatory for our SRS patients prior to the surgery. Here at our hospital, the test results will be re-evaluated by our cardiologist to reduce any perioperative complications.

In the process of hospital selection which is a very critical process, it is recommended that patients choose a reputable hospital with a high standard to ensure their safety, privacy and positive outcomes. Hospitals with the American Joint Commission International accreditation are highly recommended as they have passed the international standards for hospitals before getting accredited. This can be ensured that the particular hospitals maintain good hygiene and all their processes are aligned the international patient safety goal.

Review breast augmentation from Miss Ying

Review breast augmentation from Miss Ying

Review breast augmentation

Hello , I am miss Ying ,now I stay at Asia cosmetic hospital . My problem is small breasts. When I wear my clothes and I am not confident . I search the review breast augmentation from the Internet and the. I am very appreciate the review of Asia cosmetic hospital . Then I find the data of Asia cosmetic hosptital,

It found the Dr. Tanongsak who’s is the most famous plastic surgeon in Thailand.He is the true plastic. Surgeon and he is the Staff of Medical school , at Siriraj Hospital. I feel more and more confident. So I saw the hospital records. Asia cosmetic hospital has the very high standards ISO, JCI , world class standard. Therefore I decide absolutely to do breast augmentation at Asia cosmetic hospital and Dr Tanongsak
After consult with Dr. Tanongsak for the breast . He is very nice plastic surgeon and give the best information to me

breast augmentation review

Before entering the operating room , the staff keep my mind warm and welcome too much . I feel very good before the breast augmentation . Before the operation not only Dr Tanongsak to give the information ,the staff nurses at the operation room also give the information before operation too. After that the anesthesiologist gave the information motion for general anesthesia to me too

After operation, I felt no pain at all , it was very happy that after breast augmentation .I stayed at the recovery room for 2 hours and then the Pharmacist gave the information about the home medicine to me too.

For all of above , I am very appreciate to come to do the breast augmentation at Asia cosmetic hospital with Dr Tanongsak

When I stay at home , the staff at Asia cosmetic hospital called to me to follow up the symptoms and result and give the information to care the wound and activity . I felt happy and confident for this hospital too much

breast augmentation

Thanks you for the Dr. Tanongsak and Asia cosmetic hospital too much. If the friends who want to do the breast augmentation. Please come to Asia cosmetic hospital ,you will receive the best operation and best of all here .

How to select a breast augmentation approach

How to select a breast augmentation approach

How to select a breast augmentation approach?

One of the most widely-used approaches for breast augmentation is a silicone implant techique. Saline is contained inside the silicone bag. This bag would be placed at the sub-muscular position of the breast.

Autologous lipoplasty technique is another alternative for a patient who desires to perform breast augmentation. This approach would remove excessive fat cells including muscles and blood vessles from the unwanted area to be injected into the breast. This often uses with a patient who gets a breast cancer and needs to remove her breast.


Patients who perform a breast surgery can be divided into 2 categories:

  1. Those who desire a bigger breast or need a breast enhancement for aesthetic purpose. This is nothing to do with disease. Most patients prefer using a silicone implant.
  2. Those who have a breast cancer and get their breast removed. These patients may need to get fat cells injection as a substitute for their breast. Lipoplasty is suitable for these patients as well as those whose breasts are not symmetry. Lipoplasty for breast augmentation (Thailand) is similar to those for other parts of the body. The surgeon also uses this technique with the eyebrow or cheek, however; the volume would be less. Normally, the process starts when the surgeon performs the Liposuction, purifies the fat cells and subsequently injects back into particular area. This technique does not need an opened incision and does not need local anesthesia. The surgeon would only apply a local anesthesia at the fat-removed spot and the fat-injected spot. This is not complicated and the surgery price is not expensive. The patients would become beneficial from both fat removal area, where the fat cells areunwanted, and fat insertion, where the fat cells are needed. The wound would be around 2-3 mm., which is really tiny. The wound would be hidden on the groin, which is invisible to the public.

For those who are interested in Lipoplasty, the surgeon would consider all factors related to the patients such as cancer history of the family members etc. Prior to the surgery, the sugeon would suggest the patient to perform a Mammogram check-up to investigate if there is any tumors existed in the breast. The surgeon would allow the patient to select fat removal areas.

There are several limitations for those who perform surgery using this technique. This approach allows only a slight enlargement of the breast. Lipoatrophy may occurs if the fat cells is over-injected into a small area and the Lipoplasty would not be efficient. Moreover, the injected fat cells may sometimes become cyst cells. Moreover, the injected fat may stick together and create some difficulties to the surgeon for the breast cancer check-up. This is the important reason why the Lipoplasty for breast augmentation is not as ubiqutious as silicone approach.

In conclusion, Lipo technique is suitable for a patient who desires a slightly bigger breast and silicone implant is suitable for a paitent who desires a really huge breast.

Breast Augmentation Surgery

Breast Augmentation Surgery

Breast Augmentation Surgery

A lot of women seek for changes in regards with their physical appearance and that includes resizing their breasts.

Breast augmentation is the leading cosmetic procedure today. It became very popular procedure among different races of women.

Plastic surgeons have been developing new techniques and at the same time performing the surgery. There are many ways to perform breast augmentation procedure. Nowadays, patients have different choices and they have the freedom to decide on what to have.



During the consultation, your plastic surgeon will examine your physical anatomy and give you the right procedure to minimize scarring and at the same time achieve the desired results that you wanted.

Make sure that you ask your plastic surgeon on what are the available options or techniques.

The procedure usually takes about 1-2 hours. There are actually two kinds of available anesthesia and that includes general anesthesia and local anesthesia but that actually depends on your doctor.

Remember that there are different breast augmentation incisions and different breast augmentation locations. Think well before proceeding. Think of what is right for you and what’s your need.  Just make sure that you get the right cosmetic surgeon.


Types of Breast Augmentation Surgery

Types of Breast Augmentation Surgery

thailand - breast surgery

thailand – breast surgery

Types of Breast Augmentation Surgery

If you are planning for breast implant then there two options available and they are silicone or saline filled shells used in breast augmentation and breast implant to enhance the size of patient’s breast. Thousands and millions of women around the globe today received breast implants for their own personal reasons. As technology changes, science and medical also upgraded and making new techniques of breast augmentation surgery. And because of that women become drawn in improving their figure.

1. Gummy Bear Breast Implants

Due to the continual advances in technology and science, gummy bear breast implant was made. It is the additional operation added to the family of breast implants. It is not yet approved by FDA but it is available in some countries.

 2. Silicone Breast Implants

Silicone gel breast implants are filled with silicone materials that can vary in consistency and firmness. They are filled before inserting in the breast.

 3. Saline Breast Implants

Saline breast implants have strong silicone shell and are filled with sterile salt water solution. They can either be pre-filled or can be filled through valve after inserted into the breast.

Those are just partial listing of types of breast implants. As technology enhances additional breast implant type is created.

Recovery Breast Augmentation

Recovery Breast Augmentation

Recovery Breast Augmentation

Recovering is the most important part in a breast augmentation surgery process.

You will need to clear all your schedules or leave work to ensure that you have ample time to relax and rest so that it won’t interfere with your healing process of breast implant recovery.

By this time you will already know all the side effects and risks associated with breast augmentation. The approach of the recovery period will affect the results.

Breast augmentation surgery takes 1 – 2 hours procedure so in that case patients can go in and out of the clinic in few hours. But in most cases doctor want his patients to stay the night in the clinic or hospital.

After the breast augmentation surgery patients are brought to recovery room and will be closely monitored for at least two hours. Some patients may suffer dizziness or nausea after the breast augmentation procedure. Dizziness and nausea are normal reaction to the injected anesthesia and should subside within few hours.

It is also normal to feel pain when the anesthesia wears off,  in case this happens ask your doctor or nurse for to have execute necessary actions. Those are just few of the recovering techniques you can do to recover faster.


Following the Lower Eyelid Surgery

Following the Lower Eyelid Surgery

Lower Eyelid Surgery

Lower Eyelid Surgery

Lower Eyelid Surgery

Incisions during the operation are made along natural creases and folds in the eyelids. These incisions will result rarely invisible scar in the face. Right after the incision, the doctor will remove the pockets of fat that are found in your eyelids. Depending on the needs and the problem, sometimes that doctor will remove muscles tissues and pull them tightly onward. Other procedures are less intense than the other. Some surgeons work on the four eyelids but depending on the level of excess muscles, fat, and tissues. Transconjunctival blepharoplasty is given to patient when the surgery is only treating fat deposits in the lower eyelid.

In transconjunctival blepharoplasty, the incision are made on the inside surface of the eyelid and leaving no visible scar. After the surgery, patient will experience blurring vision but it will be temporary because your eyes will be lubricated and may be put with bandaged. Patients eyes will be tender, may have bruising, and sore but you can alleviate discomfort with pain relievers and medication prescribed by your doctor. You need to keep your head elevated and sleep upright throughout your eyelid lift for faster recovery. Be sure to follow all doctor’s instructions and be sure to take medications.

Look Price & Package about Lower eyelid surgery in Thailand

Benefits of Vaser Liposuction

Benefits of Vaser Liposuction

Liposuction – Vaser Liposelection

Liposuction in Thailand

Liposuction in Thailand

It has spread all over the world that vaser liposuction procedure enables surgeons to provide more contour in the body. Vaser liposelection can liquefied fat cells and removed more fat in even manner with the use of small cannula that only requires small incisions, and minimizing blood loss and scarring. And because of that, recovery is faster and quicker with less possibility of bruising and pain. Vaser procedure don’t require general anesthesia, in that case local anesthesia is used and at the same time eliminating the risk associated with general anesthesia. Patients are comfortable and at the same time awake during the whole procedure. Vaser liposuction is approved by FDA and is safe and highly effective. The risk of the surgery is very little compared to other forms of liposuction.

Anyone who wants to get rid of extra pound and wanted to have shapelier figure then you might be a potential candidate for vaser liposuction. Make sure that you know what you wanted or shred off in the first place to know exactly what to take to your doctor. To learn more information about vaser liposelection and difference between these procedures with traditional liposuction then please choose the best cosmetic surgeon.

Price& Package Liposuction in Thailand

Can Cool Liposuction Remove Fat?

Can Cool Liposuction Remove Fat?

Can Cool Liposuction Remove Fat?


Liposuction Surgery

With cool liposuction’s accurate laser technique, the procedure makes it safe even when eliminating the smallest pockets of fat. It can be performed in every area where you have any unwanted fats and at the same time, it can be used in larger areas of the body.

The precise laser and suction power works well in areas that most traditional liposuction can’t reach. Cool liposuction also promotes the growth of collagen under the skin.

So what is collagen?

Collagen is one of the most abundant substance found in the human body and a major factor in human aging. Collagen breaks down due to many factors and that includes first of all to aging and then sun damage or injury leaving outer layers of the skin slack, wrinkled with thick creases and giving ugly folds of skin.

When more collagen is added or induced to grow on its own that’s when skin becomes tighter and creates more youthful, vigorous, and rested appearance. But when you try cool liposuction, in 6 months period, the patient can expect to notice tighter and firmer skin.

A hollow  small sized instrument called a cannula is inserted into fatty area by the plastic surgeon.

With cool liposuction minimally invasive procedure and faster recovery combined with a reduced risk of bruising .

The following are the common areas where cool liposuction is used to:

1. Chin

2. Neck

3. Upper Arm

4. Waist or Hips

5. Knees

6. Inner or Outer Thighs

7. Ankles

Facelift Techniques

Facelift Techniques

Facelift Techniques

With the modern technology arise new methods for performing facelifts. Now there are new surgical options constantly being developed. And these new surgical advances aim to improve new cosmetic procedures.

It includes the following.

Facelift Surgery

Facelift Surgery

1. Laser It is the newest facelift procedure that is called laser neck and jaw liposculpture and resurfacing where the only equipment used are lasers. With this only small incision is made making it more safe and unnoticeable. It can be done through one inch incision under your chin and using only a local anesthesia.

2. Endoscopy Endoscopic techniques are used to do brow lifts and face lifts. In this method only small incisions are made. In that case, few traumas to tissues are made and faster recovery is made. With endoscopic technique facial structures are raised and no need to cut folds of skin. But this procedure also depends on the patient’s normal structure.

3. Liposuction Liposuction focuses in removing focal deposits of fat in the patient’s face. It is usually implemented in the area between the neck and chin. Liposuction can be combined with facelift or can be performed separately. Face lift Surgery will last for 2 to 5 hours. It is performed in Associate in Nursing patient facility with anesthesia to relax your patient. But it depends on the patient, it can be done under general anesthesia and patient may stay in hospital overnight.