If we directly look for its meaning, it is the cosmetic surgery which is emphasized on the surgery to our body such as nose, breast, chin, lips or other parts of body to look more beauty and charming. It is easy to understand that this augmentation helps us look better which is different from surgery to reinforce, emphasize on editing, improving and healing the patients who have unusual physical bodies such as distorted face or nose as well as harelip and cleft palate. This is good for the patients to have better life after surgery to come back in the society with more confident and accepted.
There is a little bit different surgery between beauty and unusual, but they have the same purpose to get the patients have good looking even the surgery will not direct to only beauty or handsome as Korean Superstars and also mean that face or shape of other parts of body will recover to be the usual person as others which is completely good result for the patients.
For beauty cosmetic surgery, such as Rhinoplasty Augmentation or Double – Eyelid Surgery, get more interesting from girls and boys who love in beauty and rich. Some patients may be interesting to do more than 1 surgery and the price for 1 surgery is high, this means the patients have to pay high expenses.