There are pre-operative cares that you should undertake before taking the actual operation. The following are needed in order to proceed with the surgery.

sex reassignment surgery

sex reassignment surgery

Sex Change Pre-Operative Care

  1. Letter of recommendation. It is either from (1) Therapist (2) Psychiatrist (3) Endocrinologist or General Practitioner.
  1. Discontinue the use of hormonal treatment at least 14 days prior to surgery. It is because hormone treatment can increase the risk of thrombosis or blood clots. Oral tables should be stopped two weeks prior to surgery while injectable should be stopped four weeks prior to surgery. Oral antiandrogens can be stopped three days before surgery while if injectable four weeks.
  1. Have preoperative physical check-up within three months prior to Sex Reassignment Surgery. You must also be confirmed by a private physician to be free from serious medical diseases. Patient should pass the following blood tests which includes:
  • CBC, HIV Electrolytes, FBS, Creatinine Urinalysis
  • Alkaline Phosphatase, Chest X-ray
  1. Make sure to reduce smoking, stop taking aspirin, ibuprofen, and other vitamin like Vitamin E.
  1. Make appointment one month prior to surgery date and itinerary.
  1. HIV positive patients can be done but will cost extra 30% because of the necessity of using disposable instruments.
  1. The period of your total stay should be discussed before scheduling your flight. So better arrange your flight to arrive Bangkok before your surgery 2-3 days.
  1. No need for any particular vaccination except for those who come from or through the countries where there are reported cases of Yellow Fever.