Benefits of Vaser Liposuction

Benefits of Vaser Liposuction

Liposuction – Vaser Liposelection

Liposuction in Thailand

Liposuction in Thailand

It has spread all over the world that vaser liposuction procedure enables surgeons to provide more contour in the body. Vaser liposelection can liquefied fat cells and removed more fat in even manner with the use of small cannula that only requires small incisions, and minimizing blood loss and scarring. And because of that, recovery is faster and quicker with less possibility of bruising and pain. Vaser procedure don’t require general anesthesia, in that case local anesthesia is used and at the same time eliminating the risk associated with general anesthesia. Patients are comfortable and at the same time awake during the whole procedure. Vaser liposuction is approved by FDA and is safe and highly effective. The risk of the surgery is very little compared to other forms of liposuction.

Anyone who wants to get rid of extra pound and wanted to have shapelier figure then you might be a potential candidate for vaser liposuction. Make sure that you know what you wanted or shred off in the first place to know exactly what to take to your doctor. To learn more information about vaser liposelection and difference between these procedures with traditional liposuction then please choose the best cosmetic surgeon.

Price& Package Liposuction in Thailand

Can Cool Liposuction Remove Fat?

Can Cool Liposuction Remove Fat?

Can Cool Liposuction Remove Fat?


Liposuction Surgery

With cool liposuction’s accurate laser technique, the procedure makes it safe even when eliminating the smallest pockets of fat. It can be performed in every area where you have any unwanted fats and at the same time, it can be used in larger areas of the body.

The precise laser and suction power works well in areas that most traditional liposuction can’t reach. Cool liposuction also promotes the growth of collagen under the skin.

So what is collagen?

Collagen is one of the most abundant substance found in the human body and a major factor in human aging. Collagen breaks down due to many factors and that includes first of all to aging and then sun damage or injury leaving outer layers of the skin slack, wrinkled with thick creases and giving ugly folds of skin.

When more collagen is added or induced to grow on its own that’s when skin becomes tighter and creates more youthful, vigorous, and rested appearance. But when you try cool liposuction, in 6 months period, the patient can expect to notice tighter and firmer skin.

A hollow  small sized instrument called a cannula is inserted into fatty area by the plastic surgeon.

With cool liposuction minimally invasive procedure and faster recovery combined with a reduced risk of bruising .

The following are the common areas where cool liposuction is used to:

1. Chin

2. Neck

3. Upper Arm

4. Waist or Hips

5. Knees

6. Inner or Outer Thighs

7. Ankles

Liposuction Surgery

Liposuction Surgery

Liposuction Surgery

liposuction surgery

liposuction surgery

As technology enhances, new techniques, modifications, and improvements for liposuction are now available. There are varieties of techniques available for liposuction that depends on the existing body type that you have. Procedures differ by wet solution and method of sculpting out the fat. Before doing the surgery, your plastic surgeon will mark targeted areas of your body. During your consultation, you and your doctor will discuss the specific fat pockets for your surgery. There are actually two types of anesthesia. It includes general anesthesia and local anesthesia. Some patients prepares local anesthesia but your doctor can decide on that for you. With regards to the length of time the procedure takes place, it actually depends on the amount of fat being removed and the technique being used. Some liposuction surgery takes thirty minutes while others take up to five hours. Before the surgery takes place, he or she will apply wet solutions in the targeted area. The wet solutions differ based on how much fluid used. The solution contains saline and epinephrine. This solution is purely for minimizing blood loss. There are many different techniques of liposuction in removing fats. Make sure that you discuss every technique available with your plastic surgeon.