Having a face lift is a very personal decision and for that reason you need to take it seriously. It must come in your own free will. You must first determine if the benefit of the operation will achieve your goals and that if the possible risks and complications are worth the risks.

facelift surgery in thailand

facelift surgery in thailand

Before the operation takes place, series of checkups and test will take place. Together with those are discussions on what are the possible risks and complications associated with the operation. You will be given consent form that you need to sign to ensure that you fully understand the side effects of facelift operation. The complications might include bleeding or so called hematoma, changes in skin sensation, fat tissue under the skin might die, skin loss, fluid accumulation, unfavorable scarring, infection and poor wound healing, anesthesia risks, pain that persist, skin contour irregularities, possible hair loss at the incisions, facial nerve injury, facial asymmetry, skin discoloration and sensitivity, possible revision of surgery, deep vein thrombosis, sutures that may require removal, pulmonary complications and cardiac complications, and unacceptable visible deformities at the ends of the incisions.

Those are just a few tips on what are the risks that you might encounter. Just be cautious and make sure to take care of yourself after the operation.

Get more information on preparing for your facelift surgery and taking care for your breasts after the surgery.
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