Body Fat Transfer Risks and Results

Body Fat Transfer Risks and Results

Body Fat Transfer Risks and Results

In every operation there are always risk and possible side effects in the body. One of the most common risks associated with body fat transfer or another method of liposuction is that your body tends to absorb transferred fat at some degree. Each patient differs on how implanted fat will absorbed in your body but plastic surgeons have given amazing results when performing this procedure. Actually the results depends on different factors which includes how much fat is removed, how it was concentrated and treated, how much was injected in the body, and where it was injected. But the body’s ability to metabolize and break down fat is uncontrollable factor. The perfect result from body fat transfer or fat grafting depends on the fat that survives in the transfer. Fat cells begin to die as soon as it was removed from the body. In order to achieve the best results, fats inserted into the target area for fat grating need to survive. Plastic surgeon at first inserts few cells at a time to preserve red blood cells which results to stabilize in the new cell location. But the liposuction treatment needs to be repeating to achieve the desired results. If the transfer is successful then results will be great than any other procedure.


Before and After Liposuction with Asia Cosmetic Hospital

liposuction in thailand

Liposuction in Thailand – Dr.Tanongsak

thailand liposuction

Thailand Liposuction – Dr.Tanongsak

Male To Female Gender Reassignment

Male To Female Gender Reassignment

Gender Reassignment

Gender Reassignment

As people grow, there are certain questions in your mind. How did you know that you are a boy or a girl? Was it because you had a penis or vagina? Some people feel that their mind and body don’t match up. This is commonly known as gender identity disorder or gender dysphoria. Community called it transsexuals but today the general term used is transgender.

Male To Female Gender Reassignment

Transgender people often wished to live in different gender rather than the one they were assigned when they were born. The word transition is used to describe a shifting of one’s gender to another. Make sure that you choose accredited surgeon. Before the sex change begins patients must have intense counseling to ensure that they are aware of the implications whether physically, mentally, and psychologically in changing genders. If the counselor and the patient decided to have the same idea in gender reassignment surgery then procedure will proceed but patients must complete a course of hormone replacement therapy. The hormone replacement therapy in male to female reconstructive surgery will encourage growth of breast tissue and will reduce the amount of body and facial hair. Those are information about male to female sex change surgery that will help you.


Complications of Facelift Surgery

Complications of Facelift Surgery

We all heard about the good effect of face lift in our life but they never really gave us the complications that we might get when we do face lift surgery. However, complications of face lift surgery are infrequent and very uncommon because cosmetic procedures are generally safe. But you must keep in mind that any surgery comes with some risks and complications.

facelift surgery

facelift surgery

Complications of Facelift Surgery

1. Unnecessary Bleeding
2. Extensive bruising cause by incisions
3. Hypersensitivity to anesthesia
4.  temporary damage to the facial nerves controlling muscles after the surgery
5. Hematoma (bleeding under the skin due to ruptured blood vessels)
6. Infection
7. Hair loss around the incision site
8. Numbness of the face
9. Scarring
10. Death of tissue or what they called skin necrosis
11. Asymmetry
12. Possible widening and or thickening of scar

These are the common complications that one might encounter right after the surgery. But keep in mind that these complications are unusually and can be prevented if you choose experienced and right cosmetic surgeon with right facelift facilities.

Liposuction Recovery

Liposuction Recovery

Liposuction Recovery

thailand liposuction

thailand liposuction

Liposuction recovery is part of liposuction preparation.

During the consultation hours, plastic surgeon involves planning ample time devoted to your recovery. The recovery period will depend on the extent of the operation and of course patient’s ability to heal.

Those patients who undergo liposuction procedure in conjunction with other procedures or treatment will have a longer recovery time. Patient will most likely not be able to return to work for 5 to 7 days after the operation.

Patient will immediately notice the results of liposuction after the surgery but the final outcome will not be visible for a few months.It will be noticeable when the bruising and swelling has completely subsided.

Immediately after the liposuction happens, patient will feel nauseous or woozy as result of the anesthesia. The patinet must make sure that he/she has someone to transport him/her from hospital or clinic back home.

Pain is part of the process. Your plastic surgeon will prescribe you with medications to alleviate any pain you feel following the surgery.

You will need to avoid strenuous activity for several weeks during the recovery. It is important to get up and walk just to maintain blood circulation and avoid blood clots forming.

The patient should maintain healthy lifestyle by exercising regularly and having healthy diet.


Facelift Recovery

Facelift Recovery

Facelift Recovery

After the surgery facelift recovery is more tedious than any other cosmetic surgery. It doesn’t matter on what technique or type of facelift surgery that you receive, you need to have rest and relaxation, they are the mandatory steps for a successful facelift fast recovery.

Facelift Recovery

Facelift Recovery

Stitches will be wrapped with dressing immediately after the facelift surgery. The dressings will be removed and replaced within a day. Drainage tubes are attached and will be removed within days following your surgery. Any feelings of pain and discomfort can be alleviated by over the counter medicines and other prescription drugs that come from your doctor. Soreness and swelling will be present for several weeks or more. Patients must not engage in strenuous activities but if patients usually engage in daily activities two weeks after the surgery, some swelling and bruising may remain. Smokers will need to abstain from smoking for months after the surgery because it reduces blood flow in the face and can hinder recovery and increases the risks and the great possibility of tissue necrosis. Swelling may not subside for several months after the surgery, so you must plan special events after how many months to give a full recovery and in order to achieve the optimal results.

Preparing for Liposuction

Preparing for Liposuction

Preparing for Liposuction



Having a liposuction is a very personal decision.

First, you must take consideration in having in-depth consultation with a doctor who specialized in liposuction. The doctor that you choose will analyze your anatomy, discuss different liposuction techniques available for the desired results, and will check your medical records.

Your plastic surgeon will make sure that you are a perfect candidate for liposuction. They will also discuss the risks and side effects of liposuction in your body. At this time, your doctors will advise you to stop taking medications that could interfere with the surgery. Those include blood thinning medicines and other forms of aspirins. Smokers need to stop or refrain from cigarettes in the weeks leading to liposuction surgery.

Your very own plastic surgeon will give you detailed list of instructions for you on the day of your surgery and this includes certain dietary restrictions. As part of the preparation process, planning for liposuction recovery is also included. You need to buy any postoperative medications as prescribed by your doctor. You also need to arrange someone to do the transport from clinic or hospital on the day of surgery.

Find your perfect plastic surgeon that offers liposuction surgery and learn more about how to prepare for your procedure.


Possible Questions for your Facelift Surgeon

Possible Questions for your Facelift Surgeon

Possible Questions for your Facelift Surgeon

In every consultation you should need to have questions in connection with the surgery. There are checklists of questions that can help you understand the effects of face lift. During your consultation your plastic surgeon will ask if you have further questions in mind. You need to ask questions to enlighten your mind and shred some fears in you.

Use the following checklist of facelift surgery questions during your consultation.

facelift plastic surgery

Facelift Plastic Surgery

  1. What kind of help will I need during my recovery?
  2. What are the risks and complications associated with a facelift?
  3. How are complications handled?
  4. How can I expect my face to look over time?
  5.  How long of a recovery period can I expect?
  6. What are my options if I am dissatisfied with the cosmetic outcome of my facelift?
  7. Do you have before-and-after photos I can look at for this procedure and what results are reasonable for me?
  8. Am I a good candidate for this procedure?
  9. What will be expected of me to get the best results?
  10. Where and how will you perform my procedure?
  11. What surgical technique is recommended for me?
  12. Were you specifically trained in the field of plastic surgery?
  13. How many years of plastic surgery training have you had?
  14. Is the office-based surgical facility accredited by a nationally recognized accrediting agency? And is it state-licensed or Medicare-certified?

These are just few of the questions that you might need to ask.


Risks and Side Effects of Liposuction

Risks and Side Effects of Liposuction

Risks and Side Effects of Liposuction

Risks and side effects are always possible in any kind of cosmetic operation. Complications of liposuctions are rare, patients should still be aware of the risks and side effects that the surgery involved.

Different complications have greater risks with different techniques in liposuction. During the consultation with your plastic surgeon make sure that you and your surgeon will discuss the possible risks and know about what side effects you may face during the liposuction recovery.

The more the fat removed means the higher the risks involved. The following are the risks and side effects of liposuction.

vaser liposuction

vaser liposuction

  1. Infection
  2. Nerve damage that might be cause by cosmetic surgeon’s incision
  3. Skin necrosis
  4. Fluid imbalance due to overflow of fluids during the operation
  5. Seizure
  6. Anesthesia reactions like headache, allergic reaction, and nausea
  7. Bruising and scarring but temporary only
  8. Bleeding
  9. Contour irregularities because liposuction is not always as precise as patient’s desire
  10. Dissatisfaction with results

These are just some risks and side effects that you might encounter after the operation. But these are just the list and it doesn’t mean that it will happen to you. Just be extra careful in choosing the right cosmetic surgeon.


Liposuction Surgery

Liposuction Surgery

Liposuction Surgery

liposuction surgery

liposuction surgery

As technology enhances, new techniques, modifications, and improvements for liposuction are now available. There are varieties of techniques available for liposuction that depends on the existing body type that you have. Procedures differ by wet solution and method of sculpting out the fat. Before doing the surgery, your plastic surgeon will mark targeted areas of your body. During your consultation, you and your doctor will discuss the specific fat pockets for your surgery. There are actually two types of anesthesia. It includes general anesthesia and local anesthesia. Some patients prepares local anesthesia but your doctor can decide on that for you. With regards to the length of time the procedure takes place, it actually depends on the amount of fat being removed and the technique being used. Some liposuction surgery takes thirty minutes while others take up to five hours. Before the surgery takes place, he or she will apply wet solutions in the targeted area. The wet solutions differ based on how much fluid used. The solution contains saline and epinephrine. This solution is purely for minimizing blood loss. There are many different techniques of liposuction in removing fats. Make sure that you discuss every technique available with your plastic surgeon.


Bad Candidate for Facelift

Bad Candidate for Facelift

Facelift is a very common surgical operation today but don’t you know that there are certain qualifications and standards before having face lift? It will be discussed on who are those people that are not a good candidate for facelift.

facelift cosmetic surgery

Facelift Cosmetic Surgery

If you are younger adult then it is not advised to have facelift unless you have loose or excess skin that makes you look older than your age. Both men and women who have unhealthy lifestyle are not a good candidate for facelift surgery. The risk and side effects of facelift surgery are increased in patients who smoked, have hypertension and or diabetes. If you suffer from any diseases and illness then you must let your surgeon know and discuss the issue to assure your safety.

Make sure that you have a realistic expectation of the good result of your facelift because if you don’t have then you are not a good candidate for the operation. Remember that face lift surgery is not a cure for aging but rather it targets specific features of the middle and lower parts of the neck and face to make you look young again. Make sure to have positive outlook in life to maintain the beautiful effect of facelift.